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Prusa i3 V2 Plate size: 219mmx219mmx3mm. Apply to prusa i3 style 3d printers, MK1/2/A/B heated beds.
Has 2 x additional provisioning holes for 3 point level adjustment of build surface.
Allows 3 x linear bearing configuration as well as 4 x bearing configuration. Made of stiff, tempered aluminum alloy, brushed and anodized.
Has cutout similar to original Prusa i3 Y carriage design. This helps to clear with Y motor when you use LM8UUs on straps and Y plate is laying low.
Linear bearing mounting options: LM8UUa (M3x12 screws & M3 nuts), SC8UUs (M4x10 screws) and SCV8UUs (M4x10 screws).