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Do you feel as though you're lacking clarity as to what exactly you want out of life anymore? Perhaps theres nothing physically wrong with you, yet the thought of getting out of bed in the morning and going about your regular routine leaves you with a feeling of resignation, or just feels pointless. The only thing you know for sure is that you dont like wherever it is youve landed, and you dont know what to do about it. Assuming youre not languishing in jail or stuck at the bottom of a dirt pit, theres one thing you can take comfort in: The feeling of being stuck is just that - its a feeling, an emotional condition. It is not a fact, and it is not something inherent in you or your environment. This book is designed to help you regain control of your emotional state of being, and help you identify (and get on) the path that you were meant to walk. Youll learn how to effectively face your mental rut with various exercises, and how to get a grip on the root cause of your current situation so you can better deal with it and freely move forward with your life again. Let's get started!