Top 8 best durer taschen 2022

Finding the best durer taschen suitable for your needs isnt easy. With hundreds of choices can distract you. Knowing whats bad and whats good can be something of a minefield. In this article, weve done the hard work for you.

Best durer taschen

Product Features Go to site
Drer (Basic Art Series 2.0) Drer (Basic Art Series 2.0) Go to
Albrecht Drer: Watercolours and Drawings Albrecht Drer: Watercolours and Drawings Go to
Drer: Watercolours and Drawings Drer: Watercolours and Drawings Go to
Durer Postcard Book (PostcardBooks) Durer Postcard Book (PostcardBooks) Go to
Albrecht Durer (Taschen Basic Art Series) Albrecht Durer (Taschen Basic Art Series) Go to
Albrecht Drer 1471-1528 : Le gnie de la Renaissance allemande Albrecht Drer 1471-1528 : Le gnie de la Renaissance allemande Go to
[(Albrecht Durer )] [Author: Norbert Wolf] [Jan-2012] [(Albrecht Durer )] [Author: Norbert Wolf] [Jan-2012] Go to
Drer Drer Go to
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1. Drer (Basic Art Series 2.0)




The prints of darkness
The art, theory, and woodcut print revolution of Albrecht Drer

A polymath of the German Renaissance, Albrecht Drer (14711528) was a prolific artist, theorist, and writer whose works explored everything from religion to art theory to philosophy. His vast body of work includes altarpieces, portraits, self-portraits, watercolors, and books, but is most celebrated for its astonishing collection of woodcut prints, which transformed printmaking from an artisan practice into a whole new art form.

Drers woodcuts astonish in scale as much as detail. Through works such as Apocalypse and the Triumphal Arch for Emperor Maximilian I, he created dense, meticulous compositions that were much larger, much more finely cut, and far more complex than any earlier woodcut efforts. With an ambitious tonal and dynamic range, he introduced a new level of conceptual, emotional, and spiritual intensity. His two major woodcut series on Christs Passion, named The Large Passion and The Small Passion after their size, are particularly remarkable for their vivid human treatment of the Christian narrative. In his copper engraving, Melancholia I, meanwhile, Drer created a startling vision of emotional ennui, often cited as a defining early image of a depressive or melancholic state.

Ever inquisitive, Drer absorbed ideas not only from masters and fellow artists in Germany but also from Italy, while his own influence extended across Europe for generations to come. In this essential TASCHEN introduction, we explore this pioneering figures complex practice, his omnivorous intellect, and the key works which shaped his enduring legacy.

About the series:
Each book in TASCHENs Basic Art series features:
  • a detailed chronological summary of the life and oeuvre of the artist, covering his or her cultural and historical importance
  • a concise biography
  • approximately 100 illustrations with explanatory captions

2. Albrecht Drer: Watercolours and Drawings


Half a millennium lies between us and Albrecht Drer (1471-1528). His ability to represent what he saw struck his contemporaries as miraculous, and to this day his art has lost none of its power. His watercolours of animals and plants alone are proof of its genius, and the works chosen for this book document the unique gifts of one of the greatest artists who ever lived. His work was a great summation of the achievement of art as the Middle Ages drew to a close, and the mastery expressed in his precision drawing and sensuous instinct for colour has retained its fascination even today.

3. Drer: Watercolours and Drawings


Used Book in Good Condition


Drer's art: Absolute fidelity to every detail
Five full centuries lie between us and the life of Albrecht Drer (1471-1528). His ability to represent a subject with an absolute fidelity to every detail seemed miraculous to his contemporaries, and still astounds us now: we need only think of his water-colours of plants and animals.

In addition, Drer was the first painter to devote such close attention to the art of the self-portrait. No artist before him painted as many as he. The works by Drer collected in this book show the full range of this artists unique genius.
About the Series:
Each book in TASCHENs Basic Art series features:
  • a detailed chronological summary of the life and oeuvre of the artist, covering his or her cultural and historical importance
  • a concise biography
  • approximately 100 illustrations with explanatory captions

4. Durer Postcard Book (PostcardBooks)


Illustrated collection of art by Durer, in "postcard" format.

5. Albrecht Durer (Taschen Basic Art Series)

6. Albrecht Drer 1471-1528 : Le gnie de la Renaissance allemande


Artiste clectique de la Renaissance allemande, Albrecht Drer (14711528) fut un artiste prolifique, mais aussi un thoricien et un crivain dont les travaux ont explor tous les domaines, de la thorie de lart la philosophie. Son uvre immense inclut des retables, des portraits, des autoportraits, des aquarelles et des livres, mais est surtout reconnue pour son impressionnante collection de gravures sur bois, qui contriburent faire de la technique artisanale de lestampe une forme dart nouvelle part entire.

Les gravures de Drer surprennent autant dans leur ensemble que par leurs dtails. Dans des uvres comme Apocalypse ou LArc de triomphe de lempereur Maximilien Ier, il a largement dpass en taille, en finesse et en complexit toutes les expriences jamais ralises en gravure. Dployant une palette de tons ambitieuse et varie, il la leve un rang suprieur en intensit conceptuelle, motionnelle et spirituelle. Ses deux principales sries de gravures sur bois sur la Passion du Christ, nommes daprs leur taille la Grande Passion et la Petite Passion, sont particulirement remarquables pour leur traitement vivant et plein dhumanit du rcit chrtien. Dans sa gravure sur cuivre Mlancolie I, Drer a cr une image surprenante du vide motionnel, souvent cite comme lune des premires reprsentations du vague lme et de la dpression.

ternel curieux, Drer sest nourri des ides de grands matres et artistes de son poque, en Allemagne mais aussi en Italie, tandis que sa propre influence sest exerce dans toute lEurope sur des gnrations aprs lui. Dans cette introduction essentielle propose par TASCHEN, on dcouvre la pratique complexe de cette figure pionnire, son esprit clectique et ses principales uvres, quil a laisses en guise dhritage ternel.

7. [(Albrecht Durer )] [Author: Norbert Wolf] [Jan-2012]

8. Drer


Rare book


By our suggestions above, we hope that you can found the best durer taschen for you. Please don't forget to share your experience by comment in this post. Thank you!

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