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This powerful book is packed full of useful information and techniques about using healing crystals to activate your chakras to promote balance between your body, mind, emotions, and spirit. This book includes workbook pages (to help keep track of your experiences), handy charts, step-by-step crystal layout instructions, great crystal grid recipes, and even a chakra pendulum chart all to help you heal and balance your chakra system. Weve even included access to a private 3-minute Crystal Chakra Grid Meditation Video, exclusively for owners of this book! Topics in the eBook include: An introduction to the 7 Major Chakras Chakra Affirmations for Balance & Healing Healing Stones for the 7 Major Chakras The 7 Major Chakras & the Aura The Minor Chakras Crystal Chakra Healing Step-by-Step Crystal Chakra balancing Technique Individual Crystal Layouts for Each Chakra Creating Your Own Chakra Healing Wand Individual Chakra Crystal Grid Recipes Chakra Crystal Grid Bases Chakra Healing Pendulum Chart Glossary of Terms Get healthy & balanced with crystals by using our exclusive Crystal Chakra Healing book!