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If youve ever wanted to make a guitar, you probably got overwhelmed quickly. The Boxmakers Guitar Book takes you back to basics with the simple reminder that all woodworkers and makers know how to make boxes. From that building block, you can create a beautiful guitar that sounds good, too. With simple construction techniques, author Doug Stowe breaks down the guitar into its component parts so you can mix and match to create your own unique instrument. Youll learn how to create sound holes, necks, frets, nuts, tail pieces, bridges, and all the pieces you need to complete your musical masterpiece. The 15 easy projects in The Boxmakers Guitar include more than just a flat-sided boxtry your hand at a scissor-tail or K-body design, or even a ukulele. With a minimal investment of time and tools, you can have a sweet-sounding box guitar to strum on your own or give to a friend.