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RAW FOUNTAIN 100% Cold Pressed Juices- VITALIZE your body and mind. Lose weight by getting rid of unnecessary bloat in your stomach. Increase your energy levels, strengthen your immune system, and improve your hair and nails! Feel simply amazing by giving your body the Nutrients it has been craving!
RAW FOUNTAIN JUICES are made from 100% FRESH produce. We are based out of NYC and we strongly believe in supporting the local economies, this is why we get all of our produce FRESH from local farmers. The fruits and vegetables are Cold Pressed everyday you will always get the FRESHEST Juices.ay so
SUPER JUICES are Cold Pressed using a commercial juicer! The Cold Press process preserves a LOT more Vitamins and Minerals than regular juicers do. The reason for that is Cold Pressing allows for the extraction of Nutrients and Enzymes without the use of heat.
HOW DO I GET THEM? The 18 Juice Bottles are sent frozen in special insulated packaging so that when you get them they are still cold! Once you get them, thaw 1 day at a time (6 Bottles) or simply put them in the freezer and start your cleanse whenever you are ready. Once thawed, the juices MUST to be consumed within 3-4 Days!
100% GLUTEN FREE & ORGANIC - We get nothing but amazing feedback for these juices, everyone loves the taste. If there are any concerns WHATSOEVER please contact us and we will do everything to BRIGHTEN UP your day! SO what are you waiting for, Let us get you on the road to a HEALTHIER you and start your cleanse TODAY with RAW FOUNTAIN JUICE!


When was the last time you took a good look at the ingredients in your favorite household and personal care products? Chances are they contain a ton of toxic chemicals you probably can't even pronounce. Over time, those chemicals can build up in your cells and put added stress on the organs designed to eliminate those toxins from your body. How many of us actually eat the seven servings of fruits and vegetables that are recommended daily to reduce healthy risks? It can be very difficult to sneak in a few extra veggies with each meal or snack, that's why juicing makes it so much easier. Drinking a juice is like taking a shot of instant nutrition goodness! Because all the insoluble fiber (that's the fiber your body has to work a little harder to process) has been removed through the juicing process, digestion becomes a lot easier on the body. Raw juicers offer an enormous amount of vitamins and minerals to your body.Juices are an especially good option if you have children who are picky eaters. They'll enjoy drinking the juice, and you'll love knowing that they're sipping on nutritious ingredients. Key Benefits: Nutrients: Juices provide our body with great nutrition. Being on an all-produce diet gives us not only the vitamins and minerals, but also the all-important phytonutrients that are powerhouses in the clean up and healing process. Juices are raw foods! Digestive System Rest: The liver is our main detoxifying organ. Every molecule of food that is absorbed through the intestinal wall (fiber is not absorbed) moves into the liver for detoxification and preparation before being allowed to enter the rest of the body. Problem is, there are too many toxins for our liver to handle, so many end up passing through and wrecking havoc on our cells. An organic juice cleanse rests the liver. Weight Loss. Juice cleansing is a great way to jump-start a diet. Juicing helps control appetite and cravings and at the same time it is much lower in calories.