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Hyssop (Certified Organic) Powder (1 oz, ZIN: 517718): General Herb Information - Hyssop - ( Hyssopus officinalis ). - Propagation: By seed, easy germination; by root division in spring; by cuttings. - Nature of Plant: A sub-shrub, almost evergreen, invaluable for low hedges; lower spikes of blue, pink or white for flower arrangements; can be trimmed like box but, of course, will not flower if tops are cut off; aromatic foliage. Spacing of mature plants: 12 inches. - Cultural Requireme


Brings Support To Chest Congestion and Coughs. - Hyssop (Certified Organic) Powder (1 oz, ZIN: 517718): General Herb Information - Hyssop - ( Hyssopus officinalis ). - Propagation: By seed, easy germination; by root division in spring; by cuttings. - Nature of Plant: A sub-shrub, almost evergreen, invaluable for low hedges; lower spikes of blue, pink or white for flower arrangements; can be trimmed like box but, of course, will not flower if tops are cut off; aromatic foliage. Spacing of mature plants: 12 inches. - Cultural Requirements: Prefers light, well drained, well limed, warm soil in sun or partial shade; cut back after flowering to keep little bushes from growing straggly; often there is a second, late flowering; when old plants get too woody, fill in with younger plants. - Uses - Leafy Top: (Health) In dyspepsia, coughs and colds, cathartic, induces perspiration; (Industrial) in toilet waters, in Chartreuse.