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Horehound Tea (25 tea bags, ZIN: 427738): White horehound is used mainly for two complaints: digestive complaints (lack of appetite, indigestion, dyspepsia, biliary complaints and flatulence) and dry coughs (acute or chronic bronchitis). Traditionally, it is an approach in cases of menstrual disorders and inflammations of mucous membranes and skin. - White Horehound - Marrubium vulgare L. - Family: Lamiaceae. - Other Names: Marrube blanc (French); Gemeiner Andorn (German); marrobio (Ita


Horehound Tea (25 tea bags, ZIN: 427738): White horehound is used mainly for two complaints: digestive complaints (lack of appetite, indigestion, dyspepsia, biliary complaints and flatulence) and dry coughs (acute or chronic bronchitis). Traditionally, it is an approach in cases of menstrual disorders and inflammations of mucous membranes and skin. - White Horehound - Marrubium vulgare L. - Family: Lamiaceae. - Other Names: Marrube blanc (French); Gemeiner Andorn (German); marrobio (Italian); marrubio (Spanish). - Description: A perennial herb of less than 0.5 m high, with angular stems, densely hairy, conspicuously veined leaves (often greyish green) and rounded clusters of small, white, two-lipped flowers at each node. - Origin: Southern Europe and Asia. The herb is thought to have originated in the Mediterranean region but is now widely dispersed in most continents of the world, where it has become a common roadside weed. - - Hot tea brewing method: Bring freshly dra