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Grows new plants from cuttings
Cut - Dip - Plant
Promotes the development of roots
Easy to use powder


Use Garden Safe Brand take root rooting hormone to grow cuttings from your favorite plants, including African violets, roses, poinsettias, philodendrons, geraniums, Coleus, woody ornamental & most other popular home, garden & greenhouse varieties. It's a simple & inexpensive way to multiply garden plants. The active ingredient is indole-3-butyric acid which promotes the development of roots on most popular home, garden & greenhouse plant varieties. This ingredient is similar to the rooting hormone that naturally occurs in plants, indole-3-acetic acid. How to use 1 the cut ends of the cuttings should be slightly moistened before treatment. 2 stir cut ends in Garden Safe Brand take root rooting hormone powder. 3 remove excess powder by tapping on rim of container. 4 plant treated cuttings in a rooting medium such as potting soil. Mist regularly. Since 2002, Garden Safe has delivered products including natural-based & botanically derived formulas to growers who prefer to control plant pests & diseases without traditional chemicals. Organic gardeners trust our solutions to keep garden pest control simple & let nature do the rest.