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LENGTH: 200 ft; WIDTH: 10 in. This osmotic wrap for body has high elasticity and stickiness and will hold easily and comfortably onto your body. Each tube contains 60 meters of wrap and requires no special maintenance.
WRAP YOUR WAY TO A SLIMMER FIGURE Sweat waist wrap for women, ab stimulator to elevate body temp in your midriff in order to release toxins and help to sweat away inches off your waist and tummy.Improve your figure with this Osmotic Wrap. It helps to slim your waist increasing the thermal activity.
A high-quality slimming film will increase the elasticity for you to use.It is recommended that you wind it up at least three times, and tighter, the effect will be better . We have increased the length of the film for you to use. thank you for your understanding and support!
Non-toxic, tasteless, safe and healthy PE material.If you have any questions about my products, you can contact us at any time, and we will actively provide you with any service you want.
Faja osmtica trmica, prctica e higinica es el complemento perfecto para ayudar a quemar la grasa abdominal mientras realizas un entrenamiento de tonificacin y prdida de medidas. Obtn los beneficios de su efecto sauna que potencializa los tratamientos reductores y reafirmantes. Aumentan la sudoracin para reducir medidas en las zonas que quieres tratar como brazos, abdomen y piernas. Discreta y resistente bajo la ropa es la faja trmica perfecta para usar en el gimnasio o el hogar.