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Recover after Murph and other Hero WODs! Trigger Pin's unique (patent pending) technology combines the healing texture of high-impact, high performance microcellular foam, with lightweight, translucent urethane wheels to release your myo-fascial adhesions (knots!). Our ingenious 'double-bubble' core has a way of honing in on your trigger points like no other roller on the market.
Yes--this roller feels phenomenal against your aching soles as you roll both feet at once--whether you're sitting at your computer, or at the dinner table. Trigger-pin! rolls quietly on 4" non-marking rubber wheels.
The popular "Double Bubble" model targets from your neck and upper trapezius to your lower lumbar region like a dream. This model can also be used for lower body rolling as a less aggressive "entry-level" roller--since your weight can be distributed on two points. As you progress, you can easily shift onto one of the cores for more targeted massage.
Endorsed by chiropractors; physical therapists; and massage therapists alike: The T-Pin will find and eliminate your trigger points safely and effectively in half the time it takes foam rollers.
Treats plantar fasciitis, lower back pain, mid to upper back pain, shoulder pain, hip pain, IT band syndrome, shin splints, cramping calves, sore quadriceps, hamstring tightness, piriformis syndrome. Improves post workout recovery, joint range of motion, vascular endothelial function, balance, mobility, agility. Increases athletic performance, strength, flexibility.