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HANDMADE IN USA BY FORMER REFUGEES: Each 2.5 ounce bath bomb is individually hand-made in Washington State by former refugees. Our primary mission is to celebrate and welcome refugees in our community by providing employment. Every box contains a "thank you card" explaining more about the individual who made your bath bombs. A great GIFT for anyone.
NATURAL INGREDIENTS YOU CAN PRONOUNCE! Our bath bombs are created from quality ingredients that you can find in your home such as baking soda, sugar and Epsom salt. We avoid colors that stain the tub or irritate the skin. No preservatives. VEGAN & Cruelty free.
MOISTURIZING! The combination of natural hemp seed oil and cocoa butter leave your skin feeling very soft and silky.
COMPOSTABLE AND RECYCLABLE: This set has been meticulously created using compostable and recyclable materials. The wrapping for each bath bomb pair is 100% compostable cello. The box is recyclable cardboard. The labels are Biostone. Bath bomb pairs are nestled in natural aspen fibers. You can be proud to give this set as a gift.
DONATION TO REFUGEE ASSISTANCE: We believe that refugees are a benefit to our community. We created the REFUGEE BATH CO. to promote this belief by providing employment to former refugees in our community. This pack of bath bombs was created by a former refugee who spent a good portion of his/her life in a refugee camp before coming to the USA legally. A portion of the profit will be donated to refugee assistance programs.