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Ground Star Anises contains in a Glass bottle with Quality seal
Because of its smell and Herbal properties . It is indispensable to Chinese cuisine, which uses it in soups, marinades and five-spice powder, and it is used widely in other parts of Asia as well.
we encourage you to try working it into your cooking. A little ground star anise works well in desserts like chocolate cakes, or sprinkled on baked fruit.
sweet, licoricey taste, and is used to flavour several liqueurs such as Saca, Galliano and pastis.
Ship from Thailand


Star anise is undisputedly the prettiest spice of them all. Native to China and Vietnam, star anise is the fruit of an evergreen magnolia tree. The fruits are in the shape of an eight-pointed star, and each point holds a shiny brown seed. Star anise has a sweet, licoricey taste, and is used to flavour several liqueurs such as Sambuca, Galliano and pastis. It is indispensable to Chinese cuisine, which uses it in soups, marinades and five-spice powder, and it is used widely in other parts of Asia as well. Star anise is still under-used in the west, but we encourage you to try working it into your cooking. A little ground star anise works well in desserts like chocolate cakes, or sprinkled on baked fruit. We love adding five-spice powder to pan-fried leeks and asparagus. We also use star anise in our home-made chai.