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THE FIRST AND ONLY FERTILITY LUBRICANT MADE WITHOUT PARABENS (all other FDA-cleared products in this category contain parabens such as methylparaben and propylparaben)
BABY DANCE IS SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR USE BY TRYING TO CONCEIVE (TTC) COUPLES to Supplement Natural Lubricating Fluids and Enhance the Comfort of Intimacy.
INCLUDES 6 SINGLE USE TUBES AND APPLICATORS. Unique MyDose Applicator Allows You to Choose the Desired Amount of Product to Moisturize and Supplement Natural Lubrication.
UNLIKE OTHER LUBRICANTS, BABYDANCE DOES NOT INTERFERE WITH CRITICAL SPERM PARAMETERS - Motility, DNA Quality, Penetration into Cervical Mucus, or Ability to Fertilize and Support Embryo Development.


New! A Fertility Lubricant Made Without Parabens.

BabyDance Fertility Lubricant is a personal fertility lubricant intended to moisturize, lubricate, and enhance the ease and comfort of intimate sexual activity. Supplementing the body's own natural lubrication, BabyDance helps carry the sperm to the egg by mimicking the quality and consistency of the cervical fluids you produce when you are fertile. BabyDance Fertility Lubricant is compatible with sperm, oocytes, and embryos and is designed for use by trying to conceive couples.

Why Do I Need a Fertility Lubricant?

For many couples, sexual lubricants enhance the pleasure and comfort of intercourse. This is often especially true for couples who are trying-to-conceive, as making love tends to be less romantic and spontaneous, and more of a chore to be completed, and using a lubricant can make the experience more pleasurable. For everyday intercourse, any lubricant will do. But, when you are trying to get pregnant, it is important to understand that not all lubricants are created equal, and you need to be discerning when selecting a lubricant to use when baby dancing.

Most everyday lubricants have a low pH and very high salt concentrations, and are harmful to sperm. It goes without saying that using one of these everyday lubricants when you are trying to get pregnant is counterproductive - you don't want your lubricant to make it harder for you to get pregnant! The class of lubricants specifically designated as fertility lubricants undergo specialized testing to ensure that they won't harm sperm or eggs. Lubricants that are safe to use when trying to conceive should have a pH of about 7 and should mimic the consistency of your cervical secretions, which help the sperm to swim through your cervix to meet the egg for conception.