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You are James Earl Cash, a killer sentenced to death row. On the night of your execution, you are taken away by a mysterious director named Starkweather. You're now the star of a brutal TV show. Dropped off in a city of psychopaths, where everyone is after him, Cash has one night to fight his way out of the city. Kill or be killed.
Panic-inducing 3rd-person action rewards stealth over fighting. Use shadows to your advantage, find Safe Zones and hide out there - waiting & planning the perfect murder
Use whatever you can find to kill the men after you -- the bloodier, the better. Cameras are everywhere & Starkweather wants to see blood. lots of it.
The levels get tougher & tougher, and so should you -- use crowbars, bats, machetes, guns and lots of stealth to kill your way home
Study the enemy's movements and lure them into traps -- but be careful, they get smarter as you play. Eventually they'll start setting traps for you.