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SUPPORTS LEAN MUSCLES AND HEART HEALTH: Our unique high-protein dog food mixer helps your pup maintain their strength and power. Watch him sprint out into the backyard after youve treated him to a Nulo dog treat. Where nutrition meets love.
SIMPLE GRAIN-FREE RECIPE: Chicken, chicken broth, salmon, and carrot. Only four ingredients and no grains, artificial flavors, or preservatives. These real meat dog treats are sure to be a hit with your animal family.
RICH IN FLAVOR: These all-natural dog treats are a flavorful way to reward your four-legged friend for a job well done. Nulo Freestyle, where nutrition meets flavor and enriches the lives of dogs and dog lovers all over the world.
MADE WITH REAL MEAT: Nulo's dog pouches are made with hand-shredded meats and fish, paired in a delicious broth. No grains or additives here. Can be served on top of your dog's favorite dry food, or fed to them as a snack or side dish!