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Everyone agrees that we should pray. Prayer is, after all, a central part of the Christian faith. But what happens when you dont know how? When you pray and nothing happens; when you open your mouth but dont know what to say? Prayers that Shake Heaven and Earth is a collection of effective prayers. Theyve been used to secure breakthroughs in many lives. If you are longing for your prayer life and ministry to bear fruit, look no further. Are you among those asking, What should I say? Is God listening to me? How should I pray for my children, pets, or sleep? Are your prayers impacting your life and the lives of your loved ones, or is it like you havent even spoken? Maybe youve seen great results from prayer. Maybe youre simply looking to take your prayer life further. Maybe you minister to others regularly, and you are looking for keys to unlock a more powerful ministry. Regardless of your situation, this book will bless you! The language in these prayers is based on the written Word of God and the mechanics of the spirit realm. The subjects covered are broad. It includes prayers for the morning, the evening, the home, children, and pets. It includes powerful healing and deliverance prayers for use within a ministry context, and so much more! It is an extraordinary tool that will empower your walk with God.