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Package: visual map to track the status of your packages. We support all the major Worldwide shipping carriers.
Countdown: direct countdown to each product, which identifies when the in-store orders should be picked up.
QR code scanner: all information about the goods are stored in QR codes and displayed on Customer and Business sides.
QR code payment: ability to pay for the product by means of a QR code, which will save users time and avoid long line at some local stores.
Map: unique ability to check the location of the Customers and Businesses, in addition to checking the current location of the package.
SMS notifications: Customers are able to receive messages from Businesses with the description of their orders status.
Calls: Customers and Businesses can reach each other via phone calls.
Amazon: users will be able to view the list of their personal Amazon orders and track the progress of their delivery. One of the key features which will be integrated soon.