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Pantenger Jade Oolong tea is naturally grown at a high elevation (4200 to 4600 FT) single estate in the Alishan tea producing region of Taiwan.
At this altitude, maturation of the tea leaves is slow, the flavor concentrates and develops a unique flowery aroma. Tea bushes receive direct sunlight in the morning and water from the misty clouds in the afternoon, the ideal situation to grow one of the finest teas in the world.
Oolong is the most complex tea to make. The process starts at the tea garden where only the most talented tea pickers choose the best leaves. Then at the tea factory, the tea master selects the right level of oxidation and crafts the tea to obtain a refined flavor and aroma.
Pantenger Formosa Oolong tea is a 15% oxidized, full-bodied tea with a buttery smooth texture. It has a rich floral character and the brew is balanced, sweet and fresh. The liquor is golden yellow. It can be infused up to 5 times.
Pantenger Jade Oolong is supplied in airtight tins to protect the tea from oxidation. We hope the natural harmony of our tins and the purity of our tea will invite you to take a moment of your day to hold your own tea ceremony and enjoy quality time.