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Healthy Immune Function Skin & Coat Health
Lean Muscle Maintenance Easy To Digest
Healthy Heart and Vital Organs
Manufacture: Hill's Science Diet Dog Model: 8921
Approximate Product Dimensions: 24" x 16" x 4" (Length x Width x Height) Product Weight: 17.5 pounds Shipping Weight: 17.95 pounds


100% Precisely Balanced Nutrition Hill's Science Diet dog food provides key nutrients that are in amounts within an optimal range for your dog, and is precisely balanced for their nutritional needs. We develop products with the precise balance of 50 nutrients based on life stage, lifestyle, size or special care needs. We carefully avoid too little or too much of certain nutrients. America's Pet Nutrition Experts Since 1939 Balanced pet nutrition has been our passion for more than 70 years. Over 150 veterinarians and pet nutritionists are involved in the development of our products. We make every bag of our dry pet food with the highest quality natural ingredients. These ingredients must meet our strict requirements for purity and nutrient content, which exceed industry standards. High-Quality Ingredients for a Happy, Healthy Life The right nutrition can help a dog's health, energy level and quality of life. Hill's Science Diet dog food contains nutrient-rich, high-quality ingredients like chicken, whole grains, and multivitamins to create nutritionally balanced food. Every bag of Science Diet provides key nutrients in amounts within an optimal range for your dog. Transition Tips Begin the transition by mixing the current food with the new pet food. Gradually decrease the amount of the current pet food while increasing the amount of new pet food. Continue to do this over a 7-day period. Transitioning slowly can result in fewer digestive issues and better acceptance of the new pet food. For finicky, older, or pets with health conditions, the transition time could take 10 days or slightly longer. Dry Formulas for Adult Dogs Advanced Fitness Formula Hill's Science Diet Adult Advanced Fitness Formula Provides precisely balanced nutrition for a visible difference. Omega-6 fatty acids to improve skin and coat in 30 days. Real chicken is the #1 ingredient. Advanced Fitness Small Bites Formula Hill's Science Diet Adult Advanced Fitness Small Bites Formula Precis