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Casino Gambling can increase your chances of winning and decrease your chances of losing in your next casino session.

Chapters 9 14, a lesson on dice control, shows you how to create your own advantage over the casino by minimizing the chances of throwing the losing seven and how to throw the long hand and score on your point numbers. The winning craps system is in Chapter 12 -- dice set, grip, focus and throw -- in words and pictures. Read it and use the winning craps system to create own edge over the casino.

Chapters 3 8, reveal the clues and a winning gambling system for finding winning blackjack tables. Sit down at one of these tables with an excellent chance of winning.

Chapters 15 17 define exactly what a roulette dealer signature is and describe the three types of dealer signatures (predictable patterns).

Chapter 17 presents a winning gambling system to enable you to detect and exploit a dealer signature and Get an Edge at roulette.

Chapter 2 details the eight decisions you make in every casino gambling session; learn how to make them the right way to maximize your chances of winning and minimize your chances of losing in each of your casino gambling sessions.

Chapters 4, 5 and 6 explain why card counting in blackjack doesnt always work the way its supposed to and disclose how to avoid losing on the high count hands; i.e., when to bet up and when not to bet up on the high-count hands.

Chapter 18 contains an interesting story about The Streak and describes a betting strategy to exploit player/dealer patterns in the game of baccarat.

If you gamble on the Internet, dont make that next click until you read Chapter 21 to learn how to avoid the pitfalls and exploit the winning possibilities.

Before your next trip or any trip to the casinos, be sure to review the 16 axioms of successful casino gambling described in Chapter 2.

If youre planning a trip to Vegas or any other casino gambling destination and want some quick and easy-to-follow advice to give you a good shot at coming home a winner: Read Chapter 7 for blackjack advice, Chapter 13 for craps advice, Chapter 17 for roulette advice, Chapter 18 for baccarat advice or Chapter 19 for advice on the popular variations of casino poker.