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Six Crystal Champagne Glasses on a Stem - Beautiful Drinkware Set
Rounded 'Ice Cream Bowl' Shape, Perfect for Sparkling White Wines
8-Ounce Capacity - Ideal for Both Modern and Classic Cocktails
Unique Retro Design with Elegant Antique Touch, Handmade
High Quality Clear Crystal Glassware, Made in Belarus


This luxurious set of crystal champaigne glasses is created by Neman using the over-century-long experience of crafting the famous European crystal glass. Unlike champagne flutes, champagne coupes provide a completely different experience for lovers of sparkling white wines: a larger surface makes the gases escape more rapidly, which is desirable for sweet champagne. It's no wonder that for centuries coupes were the standard glass to serve champagne on any special occasion. These crystal coupes feature a rounded shape and a truly retro-vintage style, which makes them stand out from the majority of popular long-stem and shrimp cocktail glasses. Both the unique bowl shape and the 8-Ounce capacity allow them to also serve as beautiful ice cream bowls. Coupled with an elegant antique design, this set of handmade glassware will certainly complement any cocktail reception or high-society party. Created using modern technologies and produced in Belarus by Neman Crystal, established in 1883.