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Brief introduction of SILK :
Composition :siIk belongs to natural protein fiber and has over 97% of protein . It 's excellent for health care
keeping : The protein fiber of silk is teeming with hydrophilic groups such as Amino ( -nh2 ) and Amine ( -chnh )
Temperature regulation : Silk not only excels at heatradiating , due to its multi-porous fiber structure , it's also good at heat preservation.
Heat resistance : Silk fiber has a low degree of thermal denaturation and thus relatively high resi stance to heat .Only 5-8% of silk becomes brittle when heated to 100C . Silk burns at a temperature 300-400 " C , so it al so good for fire prevention


Brief introduction to eyeshade

Working mechanism of eyeshade's facilitation of sleep:

Biologically , quiet and dark environment signals the body to produce Melatonin by pineal gland , which is located in the center of the brain . Light inhibits the production of the hormone , while darkness excites it . Melatonin would enhance the sleep quality by deepening sleep . More importantly , it can improve the whole body's conditions, and slow the aging process

Functions of eyeshade : eyeshade keeps the Iight away . creating a favorable environment for sleeping and preventing insomnia . Enhanced sleep quality makes you rest at best , and full of energy . eyeshade also improves the blood circulation around the eyes , reducing blood congestion in the eyeballs , and thus preventing dark circles around the eyes and inflamed eyelids

Recommend to use eyeshade under following conditions

1 . office with bright light which is unfavorable for siesta

2 . long-distance bus , train and airplanes , where you may be kept alert by the light even you re extremely tired

3 . Cities where night light pollution comes to the extent that you can feel the Iight even you close the curtains

4 . Where there is glaring sunlight in the morning , making you unable to keep sleeping long enough Bus trip to the office or during the long congestion time . when you can en joy extra sleep if eyeshade is readily available