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First ever Paleo creamer for coffee that blends grassfed organic cultured ghee with energizing Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) oil. Pure Indian Foods was the first ghee brand to receive the Whole30 Approved seal in 2011.
Blend Coffee++ into hot coffee using a blender for a smooth, satisfying, and totally invigorating experience.
Packed in glass container with metal lid.
Coffee++ is batch-tested to contain less than 0.25% lactose, less than 2.5 ppm casein, and less than 5.0 ppm gluten.
If coffee is not your thing, enjoy Coffee++ in hot tea, spiced chai, hot milk, or broth.


Coffee++ (tm) is a unique, delicious blend of Grass-fed Organic Cultured Ghee mixed with energizing Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) oil made from coconut and palm. It does not contain any coffee or caffeine.

INGREDIENTS: Grassfed organic cultured ghee, 8-carbon and 10-carbon medium-chain triglycerides from coconut and/or palm kernel.

We're excited about combining coffee with butter! That's because our Coffee++ is the first ever Paleo creamer for coffee that blends organic ghee with energizing Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) oil. If you follow a Paleo diet, coffee with a creamy taste is no longer an issue. Just blend Coffee++ into hot coffee using a blender for a smooth, satisfying, and totally invigorating experience designed to power you through your day with clarity, focus, and energy.

Curious about the name? We came up with Coffee++ because it's a combination of two positively awesome ingredients that seriously enhance coffee by providing an instant and lasting energy boost. The effect is a double positive (++). If coffee is not your thing, try it in hot tea, spiced chai, hot milk, or broth.

How to Make Butter Coffee
  1. Using a clean spoon, gently stir Coffee++ before using. Add 1-2 tablespoons to an 8-ounce cup of hot coffee.
  2. For a frothy, creamy look and flavor, blend Coffee++ with hot coffee in a blender for a few seconds, or until the color changes to a light cream.
  3. Add milk (or coconut milk, almond milk or another nut milk), natural sweetener, spices, vanilla, or dark chocolate if desired.

Do you like to add spices to your coffee or tea? Pure Indian Foods also makes Digestive Ghee, which is infused with cardamom, cinnamon and ginger. Give it a try!

POWER THE COFFEE THAT POWERS YOU. Learn more at powerthecoffee dot com.
Coffee++ (tm) is a trademark of Pure Indian Foods Corporation.