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Handcrafted by artisans in Oaxaca, Mexico
3.5" L x 2" W
Hand filigree work bathed in gold to create the bright traditional finish
Earrings in Scale shot is slightly different design, but exact same size


Handcrafted in a small community called San Blas Atempa in the State of Oaxaca, Mexico These intricate filigree earrings were handmade in Oaxaca, Mexico, and are from a small town in a municipality called Tehuantepec. The traditional garb of this region consists of heavily embroidered garments accessorized with large amounts of gold jewelry....often gold filigree earrings like these! Frida Kahlo, the famous Mexican painter, was my inspiration for going to Oaxaca. During her lifetime she adopted the traditional Tehuana attire as a means of showing her solidarity with the strong women of this matriarchal Zapotec society. I was pleased to find pieces that were representative of what she may have worn. These earrings were created by the hands of older artisans since many of the young people in the pueblo don't have interest in learning this art. They are brilliant in every respect.