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Daiwa spinning reels, a new designed product includes a series of improved parts which is the best choice for fishing fanciers.
Aluminum spinning reel can ensure its firm in structure, but it's also light and convenient to carry and use. this type daiwa spinning reels is created in a unique shape, so it overcomes the problem of the unnecessary weight .
4000 carbon spinning reel medium is just the perfect size for the average and most people can enjoy the fun of fishing by using fishing spinning reel handle.
This generation of daiwa bg 4000 saltwater spinning reels is equiped with waterproof carbon atd drag system and air rotor, the troubles you may have before will be gone. it allows you to show your best performance when big fish come without having a sticky handle.
Spinning reel lightrevros of this product is suitable for fishing in a long distance for it is a dynamic cut aluminum abs spool with air rotor. in this case, spinning reels cost less with higher quality. daiwa bg spinning reel won't let you down.