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Electrolyte balance - Finally, a zero carb electrolyte powder specifically designed for low carb and ketogenic diets. This plant based formula provides much needed minerals to support rehydration, replenishment and electrolyte balance
Improve energy - When electrolytes are off balance, our energy dips and negatively impacts our mood, sleep and performance. Keto Electrolytes replenish and balance essential minerals lost through sweating and diuretic effects of low carb and ketogenic lifestyles to support healthy energy levels and mood
Better sleep - Proper electrolyte balance facilitates deep sleep, with no more cramps, restless leg syndrome or insomnia - so you get a better night of rest and restoration to increase energy levels and overall wellbeing.
Nothing artificial - Only clean ingredients: no fillers, chemical or preservatives. Tasteless, odorless, gluten-free, vegan, paleo-friendly, caffeine free, no carbs or sugar - just high dose electrolytes from minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium for ultimate hydration and recovery.
Athletes and low carb lifestyles - For men and women who need a zero carb mineral hydration balance solution to combat dehydration, fatigue, cramping, "keto flu", even hangovers or to boost performance when running, hiking, cycling, biking, weightlifting, triathlons, Crossfit, or other sports


Keto Electrolytes
Key Electrolytes To Balance Mind and Body

Electrolyte balance is one of the most critical - yet often overlooked - components of a successful and enjoyable ketogenic diet experience.

Simply put, low carb and ketogenic diets strip electrolytes.

Lower carb diets are diuretic in nature, meaning the kidneys shift from retaining water, and sodium, to flushing them. Many will experience increased frequency of urination when switching to a low carb or keto lifestyle,

This excretion of excess fluid is normal but not completely harmless, as it also removes many of the electrolytes - or minerals - present in our bodies. These electrolytes are necessary to enable many of the body's biological processes, including proper function of the heart, muscles, nerves, even sleep.

A sudden shortage in these electrolytes is the culprit behind the muscle cramps, brain fog, headaches, low energy, and digestive and sleep issues that are commonly referred to in keto circles as the "keto flu".

Savvy low carb and ketogenic dieters overcome this by ensuring they ingest adequate amounts of these essential electrolytes to protect their body's natural balance, and support healthy mental and physical performance.

What's in Keto Electrolytes?

Our goal is to support low carb and ketogenic lifestyles with the benefits of electrolyte-replenishing sports drinks minus the added sugar, food dyes, or flavorings.