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1-Flex 10-10 16 ounce 2-Bedlam Plus 1-Cimexa Dust 1-Hand Held Duster Flex 10-10-Permethrin 10%, PBO 10%
Bedlam Plus-3-phenoxybenzyl-(1RSFlex 10-10-Permethrin 10%, PBO 10%, 3RS, 1RS, 3SR)-2, 2-dimethyl-3-(2-methylprop-1-enyl) cyclopropanecarboxylate - 0.40%, N-Octyl bicycloheptene dicarboximide - 1%, Imidacloprid - 0.05%
Cimexa Dust- Amorphous Silica Gel 100%


Flex 10-10-For Bed Bugs mix 6.4 ounces/gallon of Flex 10-10 with water and apply as a broadcast spray to all affected areas. Spray mattresses, floors, bed frames, baseboards, furniture, and other cracks and crevices where bed bugs may hide. Make sure no spots are missed. When treating for bed bugs it is important that no harborage areas are left where they can hide from the chemical. A reapplication of the pesticide may be made at 14-day intervals if additional control is needed. Bedlam Plus-to kills bed bugs and bed bug eggs: For infested mattresses, remove linens and wash before reuse. Apply to tufts, folds, edges, sides, and seams until damp. Allow drying before reuse. Apply on and around baseboards, carpet, rugs, bed frames, box springs, headboards, wheelchairs, closets, wall hangings, furniture, seats, moldings, picture frames, ceiling, drapes, luggage, and walls. Spray bed bugs and eggs directly whenever possible. Cimexa Dust- Remove bedding and take the bed apart. Treat the interior framework, joints, and cracks in the bed frame. Treat the mattress and box spring, paying particular attention to tufts, folds, and edges, and the interior framework of the box spring. Remove wall-mounted headboards and treat the back side. Treat picture frames, moldings, hollow furniture legs, cracks, and crevices, along baseboards, and any areas with visible signs of infestation, including rugs and carpet. Treat upholstered furniture by removing or lifting (if possible) the cushions and treating the undersurface. Treat the interior framework, cracks and joints of the furniture, and the folds, tufts, and edges of cushions and other upholstered areas. Do not treat toys and stuffed animals with the product. Treat wall voids by removing electrical switch plate covers to allow access, but don't apply dust directly in electrical boxes. Apply about a 1/4 oz of dust to each accessible void using a duster for an even coat and less clogging.