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Perfect for French-Spanish-Czech & High Stick Nymphing
Thin Supple Core for Sensitivity
Unique Ulta Fine Tip Design for Precise Casts with #2-3 rods
Specifically Designed for 9'-11' Nymph Rods
Stealthy Gecko Green Color


You cannot find a comparable specialized Nymphing rod at this price point, and in fact they easily compete with rods costing 3 plus times more. These rods are designed to catch fish- actions are specifically tweaked for Euro Nymphing, enabling you to turn over longer leaders & lightweight flies if necessary, while still giving you tippet protection. They also make fantastic wet fly/soft-hackle rods, due to their extra length & softer tips. These rods are all designed to balance nicely and be light in the hand to minimize fatigue. The #2 and #3 rods are ideally suited to Euro Nymphing, while the #4's crossover into both Euro & Indicator nymphing. To really maximize your rods performance for Euro Nymphing, consider purchasing a matching Cortland Competition Nymph line.