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One of the most effective anti-aging formulas.
Highest amount of Vitamin A among all natural oils
75% Linoleic Acid ( Vitamin F )
50% more Vitamin E and twice the amount of Linoleic Acid than Argan Oil
because its high amount of natural retinol, Suncreens min FPS 50 should be used in case of sunlight direct exposures. Stop using in case of any skin irritation


Cacay Oil is a 100% Natural anti-aging oil. It's an extremely high penetration oil with a dry effect. Rich in vitamin E,F and Retinol. It nourishes, softens and repairs the face, body, hair and nails. Suitable for direct use / leave on. Also praised for it's Anti inflammatory properties. The nature of Cacay oil Illuminates the skin due to the Antioxidants. Long lasting hydration, Anti stretch marks, Hair protection, Provides shine and silkiness, and Prevents split ends. Better if used at nightime RECOMENDATION; because its high amount of natural retinol, Suncreens min FPS 50 should be used in case of sunlight direct exposures. Stop using in case of any skin irritation