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Treatment of Greasy Hair: Dandelion is effective in getting rid of excess oil or sebum accumulated in the scalp. Thus, if you have greasy hair, you can simply steep dandelion leaves or roots for about 20 minutes. Strain this mixture and use it on your hair as a final rinse. Ensure to condition your hair after this to prevent loss of moisture.
Health Benefits Of Dandelion: Dandelion is a storehouse of nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, protein as well as B-complex vitamins. It is thus, obvious that this herb has a long list of health benefits to its credit.
Boosts the Immune System: Certain studies have shown that dandelion boosts immune function and prevents infection by fighting off microbes and fungi.
Promotes Weight Loss: Our urine comprises of nearly 4% fat. By promoting frequent urination, dandelion aids in the removal of water and fats from the body. Thus, it promotes the loss of water weight without any side effects. Moreover, like most leafy greens, dandelions are low in calories. They are sometimes even used as sweeteners as they do not contain unhealthy sugars.


All our oils are fresh and bottled daily. Expiration date is at least 12 month from sale date
Organic Ingredients:100% Pure Dandelion Herbal Oil
Botanical Name: Taraxacum officinale
Extraction Method: infused in refined Olive Oil
Color: Pale yellow to golden yellow liquid
Aromatic Description: Typical and Characteristic of Carrier Oils
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) has a special affinity for breasts. Regular use of dandelion flower oil promotes deep relaxation of the breast tissues, facilitating the release of held emotions. Applied regularly to the entire breast area, glowing golden dandelion flower oil can strengthen your sense of self worth as well as your immune system. Easily made, this oil is a superb ally for regular breast self massage, and highly praised by those doing therapeutic breast massage.
Amazing Benefits Of Dandelion For Skin, Hair And Health
Anti-aging Benefits:
Being rich in antioxidants, dandelions provide anti-aging benefits, thus reducing the appearance of fine lines, age spots and wrinkles around the eyes and lips. Besides nourishing your skin, this herb helps tone and firm up sagging and unbalanced skin.
Hair Benefits Of Dandelion:
Natural herbs are rich in vitamins and minerals which nourish your hair and dandelion is no exception. Both consumption and topical application of this herb provide the following benefits to your hair.
Stimulates Hair Growth:
Dandelion root is a rich source of vitamin A, C and E as well as B-complex vitamins. Besides, it contains choline, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, biotin and calcium all of which play an important role in making your hair strong as well as stimulate hair growth.
Treatment of Dandruff:
Dandelion is rich in iron which helps in keeping dandruff at bay. For this purpose, you can try having dandelion supplements or simply dandelion root tea or dandelion salad.