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Each AllicinPlus-CTM capsule provides 300mg concentrated Garlic powder along with 60 mg food-based Vitamin C and 40 mg citrus bioflavonoids.
Natural antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial.
Potent antioxidant and AllicinPlus-CTM does not harm your body's friendly bacteria or cause negative side-effects.
Boost your body's natural immune system. AllicinPlus-CTM is practically odorless and is is the strongest and safest natural antibiotic known to man.
AllicinPlus-C has over thirty times the allicin than AlliMax, AlliMed and other products made with Allisure(r) Products with Allisure(r) have only 300ppm allicin, where AllicinPlus-C has 10,000 ppm allicin by HPLC test! Get the best with AllicinPlus-C!!!


British scientists have developed a proprietary process through which the naturally occurring allicin in garlic is extracted, stabilized and concentrated. The end result is the extremely potent and effective product: AllicinPlus-CTM. Each capsule of AllicinPlus-CTM is equivalent to 30 to 45 cloves of fresh, crushed garlic! No other garlic supplement on earth provides the proven benefits of AllicinPlus-CTM. Garlic has been used for thousands of years for many uses. Allicin has been shown to be the active ingredient in garlic. The garlic in AllicinPlus-C is tested to have 10,000 ppm of allicin. Get the real deal. Insist on products made by Affinity Health Products.