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Quantity: 5 sachet. Each sachet is equivalent to 10 grams of the raw herb. Best by Dec 2020.
Produced from Jiangsu, China. Manufactured by Jiangyin Tianjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Lycium chinense Mill.Lycium barbarum L.
Chinese Wolfberry Root-bark is the dried root bark of Lycium chinense Mill. or Lycium barbarum L. (Fam.Solanaceae). The root is collected in early spring or late autumn, and washed clean. Then the root bark is stripped, and dried in the sun.



Chinese Medicine Formula Particles are the extract of a single Chinese herbal medicine. There are currently more than 700 single herbal varieties available.

Chinese Medicine Formula Particles are typically prepared by decocting Chinese herbal medicines, so there is no need to decoct these particles again before use. As a result, this form makes the use of Chinese herbal medicines much quicker and easier than the traditional decoction pieces.

Jiangyin Tian Jiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is the first "Chinese medicine formula particles pilot production enterprises." approved by State Food and Drug Administration of China.