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LIFE JOURNAL - Change your life in a year using this journal for just 1 hour a week. Guiding the user in reflecting upon the week they've had, the tasks they need to do in their week ahead and a personal activity to consider how they view and interact with the world.
ACTIVITY PLANNER - Weekly 'To Do' list section for noting work and personal tasks for the week ahead. Free form date line so that the user can start their year anytime and weeks' to use.
SELF-IMPROVEMENT - A different suggested activity for each week. Creating a greater degree of self-awareness, conscious thoughts of how you view the world and how to interact with others.
SELF-CONFIDENCE & MOTIVATION - Weekly review section for the user to note what their grateful for, positive reinforcement and their accomplishments. Building self-esteem and inner self-confidence.
LIFE FULFILMENT - Each week has a motivational quote and activity in all areas of life: health; fitness; intellectual; music; art; spiritual; emotional; financial. Mirroring life's broad challenges and delights. A mindfulness pathway with guided activities to a positive engagement with life.


This journal has been designed for the user to reflect upon the week they have had with a different exercise each week to help them plan and lead their life for the week ahead in a conscious and enjoyable way.

The weekly review serves as a means of reflection in specific steps and has been designed for the user to achieve more in life and, have more fun doing so.

Each week there is a specific activity. These activities help a person plan and lead their life in a multitude of areas, encompassing: health; fitness; mental acumen; finance; psychology; personal philosophy and spiritual awareness. With one activity each week, it is possible to complete without being overwhelmed by a workload of self-improvement actions. These activities and topics for reflection are both serious and also light-hearted, mirroring life and are intended for the user's benefit and enjoyment in so undertaking.

Starting with planning what a person wants out of life and thereafter, there are a range of activities to build upon their goals, expand their thinking and periodic progress reviews help keep the journal owner on track. It may be that the activity requires actions after the weekend itself and in these cases the page is used as a means to note the outcomes.

In short, this journal, for just 1 hour a week, serves as a review for the user to contemplate their life and thoughts, as well as, promote a pro-active approach to living. Overall the objective is for the user to be more motivated and self-confident and ultimately, to get more out life.

Start your journey to get the most out of life over the next year, today.